Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 8: The Right to Bear Arms

Hung up a clock (the mother of all clocks).

Looked at some guns.

Had a great dinner with Petra and Matt.

Rubbed pepper spray on my face.

On the last point, I bought some pepper spray, and was curious if it worked, so I took a couple of practice shots, sprayed it on my hands, and rubbed some on my face. I just wanted to experience some of the effects, and they suck. Now I can't get my hands near my face (or other sensitive areas, I'm sure). I am sure that this, if used in the prescribed manner, will get somebody's attention. Even my hands are burning. Well, I hope that I do not do any scratching in the middle of the night, because this shit does not seem to wash off easily.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I'll ask. Why? Why did you buy pepper spray? Are you equipping yourself for the Austrian hiking crazies?
