Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 42: Olympic lifting is not an easy day

Today: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Clean and Jerk

This means find your max, and I found the amount that is above mine 4 times.

115-125-1st failed attempts at 135, 2nd, 3rd,......

I had the weight almost to the top every time, but could not quite do it. Jason Cox, however, was into the ludicrous range (205# and kept trying 235#, but not quite, buddy!)

Petra PR'd at 95#, and I watched her get a kipping (well, kipping is kind of a strong word, here) pull up. That is her first one. Fire it up, baby!

1 comment:

  1. Rob -- Great updates! Love getting the scoop on adventures at D-Town.

    See you soon, I hope!
