Monday, October 4, 2010

The Chicken is back in bidness!

The prodigal son has returned from a blogless (at least this blog) adventure in the Alps. Summary: Walked a lot, had some beer. I was fun.

Now I am in the Army, and back in the blogosphere to stay.

The wife and I now live in San Antonio, TX, and I will be in the Army's physical therapy program. Before that, however, there are a few things that need to, or have already happened. I got commissioned (or demoted to, as many ex-enlisted say) to 2nd LT in the Army. This happened on September 20th, and since then it has been getting the house in order -more on that below- before OBLC (Officer Basic Leadership Course), also known as boot camp for Army medical types. That starts Wednesday, and I will fill you in as it goes.

More importantly, Petra and I are back on a diet of pain in the form of a steady crossfit routine, and to make up for the fact that we are no longer able to saunter over to D-Town everyday, we have turned our backyard into a crossfit gym to rival many small boxes out there. Matt, of course, was both involved and somewhat abused in the process.

It started with a U-haul. Matt and I met in Denver, loaded my stuff into a slightly-too-small moving truck, and drove to San Antonio without stopping for anything more than some late night fear, bad food and gasoline.

We got into town 20 hours later, rested a little, and started a week-long project. I could go into details, but let's just say that we, without any injuries or death, although there was a jiu jitsu style clinch for a moment on the first evening, got some things done.

At this time there is a four-station pull up rig, two trapezes for hanging rings, a gorgeous 8-strand, 18 foot, self-made rope station, and an Olympic weight lifting platform in our back yard. Add to that 460 pounds of bumpers, two bars, two sets of wooden rings, and a squat rack and bench, and the only thing holding me back is reduced HGH levels, and that is no excuse, really.

I will try and get some pictures up.

Aside from that, stand by for the new 50-part series "The Chicken Goes to Boot Camp."

I will keep y'all posted.



  1. We westside Olivers are thrilled and have toasted to the new Chicken Bidness Box. Prost!

  2. Keep it up! I'm looking foward to the 50 part series.
